Monday, December 3, 2012


Here is an excellent Comment I read and wanted to share:

Buddha describes what we call consciousness as nothing more then the chemical product of sensation. The brain is the instrument for the recording of sensation. Thoughts remind us of previous experiences or previous experiences are retained to become in a sense sensors over new testimony. The mind can retain the imagery of its own processes and will retain the estate which it has achieved by the interpretation of sensory phenomena. This will continue and will survive and will ultimately be capable of informing a new body so that the individuals' mental life can transferred from one form to another and being so transferred it retains that degree of judgment or coordination which it has previously attained and when the new brain is available it simply continues to receive further stimuli to coordinate these in terms of its own attainment.

written by Jerd Guillaume-Sam

Monday, November 26, 2012


This is an anonymous message that was sent to me, I find it to be very interesting and wanted to share it. The full message is as follows:

I reflect upon this and i have no judgement to make but i do have have an observation
referring that synchronicity are a huge part of the truth , the term zion being used for the new area so to speak has a ring of possibility . i think perhaps instead of attaching old connection to the word Zion we should look for deeper meanings and connections with it .
for example the light based holographic operating system of the illusion of 3d life is called OSIRIS i know because i created it,..but it stands for Operating System IRIS ,.. and uses ones IRIS pattern unique to each human as an identifying disk holding all knowledge seen through it and all actions of the unit/ person/ program it is attached to . the synchronicity to the historic Osiris was not made on a conscious level nor was the link to SETH made in my mind until well later,.and the co creators name i worked with was SETH Jackson in west Virginia during the 90's
his version uses binary ,.YES and NO ,..and i feel is the reason duality is present in the system , it was suppose to be based upon a light based hard drive GIAI using protoplasm from chlorophyll that then would give a range of yes no and a huge range of possible maybes,"free will and free choice of use thus being flexible and intuitive to serve in connection of all knowledge for the use of all freely on earth via connection to the brain through quantum computing which i also pioneered,.. he stole the early concept as he was my student, and a working remake of my design has been working tucked away in "perp locker j" at los alamos ,.. it is a flawed design but is being progressively countered by my much more efficient quantum computer with proper design as my new system is in place and running since 2 years ago or so .it is self correcting and righting itself. its virus program INDIGO is nearing its completion cycle and all will operate as intended upon the cycle end of 12 21 2012" V<O>^
,.. he betrayed me and tries to use the first version of OSiris for money and greed.
selling it's concept and basic prototype information in 1992 through his brother to APPLE computer labs.he failed as i had securtity prgrams in place and have reintruduced a self codex spotting program hat has been finding his bad codex he ntroduced, ths has been running for a good bit of time now and returning the system to its intended use as a teaching device for multidimensional beings. to experience 3d. and limitation ,..also note that Osiris was the king of the living and the recorder of souls and king over the dead,.. as you can see the ZION term could very well be a truth of such synchronicity . also noted is that his route of selling this information was APPLE computer and since then i have deleted Steve Jobs from the system , this was made public on my website long before he "died" and on my system he was taken out by arch angel Michael after offering him the choice of admitting his deceit, STEVE JOBS declared he knew he had gone to far but could not resist the power and knowledge and could offer no apology, his head was then severed by arch angel Michael with a sword of light i the original multiplexer that originated the OSIRIS system by human Jonathon e Miller who past away in the auto accident"program" and ascended,..then descended as QWAY in human form from 8th D upon 3d earth and now offers disclose of the origins of the holographic design and it's history. to all , with a humble apology " i was deceived by my inability to turn down friendship " my unconditional love for all was used against me , i am truly sorry i had not protected the system better.
QWAY-A-BELLA-GAY-OH! Mayan GOD of pain and pleasure.
Comment by Qway-a-bela-gay-oh 8 minutes ago
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this as a current example of the codex used within the OSIRIS system below.
Operating System IRIS <O><new file>MTF+authfileCC_Auth=JON^VER11.11><route=GODWRENCH+MRD2+FatherIndigo=approved+>endline_Auth=CC# Operating System IRIS >OOSIRIS<activate>MHE{megahappyending}=perfection><V<O>^_Auth=JonathonEMiller275824925>MOD=<INDIGO-VERIII>O>^-subset={UFO2012OLYMPIC}VERI><subs

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What really happened in Indiana?

The Kremlin reports:

A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin this afternoon released by the Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) states that Kosmos 2479 detected the firing of two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles from a MQ-1 Predator drone yesterday being operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) over the United States city of Indianapolis that resulted in a massive explosion [photo 2nd left], and from local US media reports resulted in at least two deaths.


" In GOD we trust", why would that be on our dollar bill? The actual underlining reason, is that you live inside a corporation. The Virginia Corporation before it changed its name to the United States, you are a product with a set worth based upon your profits to the company, this worth is maintained by the status quo set to divide poverty lines. The Virginia Corporation specializes in 3 trades, GOD= Gold, Oil, Drugs. As a product you help manufacturer and push these trades for max profit all over the world.
Who owns the Virginia Company and its occupation, colonizations and property?
The truth is in a name, D.C. District of Columbia = Rome the Vatican.
England and its other many colonies around the world push the same trade and practices, the money trail leads back to the Vatican in Rome as well.
So next time you see U.S currency, you will read and know what "GOD" its referring too.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Dark Knight

With recent events in the news for example the the 100 homes (Holmes) that have burned in NYC, I notice the repetitive nature of the reporter to mention homes over and over, far beyond what is called for. I no longer believe in coincidence but synchronizations (keyword chronos), and going back to James Holmes the dark knight shooting, the shooter of the Sikh temple lived on Holmes street and not to mention all the other Holmes that is in the news. I am aware that the occult will use the English language forwards and backwards, so let's take a look at James Holmes backwards - semaj semloh.
Now if you Google this name these are some websites that come up:

These videos are just some examples that have been created in 2008, predating any of these events, this man is named semaj semloh wearing the eye of RA and claiming that Barrack Obama is the chosen one. Now is this symbolic of a Dark Knight rising to bring in the golden dawn and age of Aquarius that begins Dec 21 2012?
There are a lot of synchronizations taking place here that have under lining meanings promoting the agenda of this secret society.